Consulting Services

Preparing for Y Combinator – A Checklist for Potential Applicants
Being accepted into Y Combinator (YC) is a significant milestone for startup founders. This esteemed program provides funding and guidance for early

Mastering the Entrepreneurial Journey – Key Insights for Aspiring Founders
Entrepreneurship demands dedication and persistence, as well as mastery of its best practices. While it is a journey that is not suited

Gaining Visibility in a Competitive Tech Landscape With SEO for Startups
Search engine optimization (SEO) can be an inefficient strategy for startups; results may take longer to materialize than they expect; but when

Social Media Strategies for Kickstarter Campaigns – A How-To Guide
When thinking of ways to optimize your Kickstarter campaign, social media can be a powerful tool. From discovering ways to increase audience

Y-Combinator’s Approach to Startup Valuation – What Founders Should Know
YC has played an instrumental role in building Airbnb, Stripe, Reddit, DoorDash, Sendbird and Daily. Furthermore, its philosophy on startup building has

Marketing Magic For Startups – 10 Marketing Strategies to Win Your First 1000 Customers
Marketing strategies designed to benefit startups may differ significantly from those utilized by large brands. Instead, startup marketing approaches often emphasize direct

Sales Success in Startups – Converting Leads Into Loyal Customers
Success in sales requires a combination of expertise, including knowledge of product and market, effective relationship-building techniques, and efficient technology implementation. Thankfully,

Content Marketing for Startups – Getting Featured on Major Tech Platforms
Content marketing can be effective for startups, helping them gain visibility on major tech platforms. In today’s digital world, content marketing is

Planning Your Post-Kickstarter Growth After Kickstarter
Kickstarter can be an incredible resource for creators. Take Fidget Cube for example who used Kickstarter as a stepping stool to becoming

The Power of Mentorship – Finding and Working With the Right Advisors
Most adults can think back on someone who helped guide their journey through life’s twists and turns. Be it by chance or

The Art of Storytelling in Tech Entrepreneurship – Winning Hearts and Minds
Storytelling is an effective tool that humanizes technical concepts, captures audiences’ attention, and develops trust and credibility. It has the power to

Leveraging Social Media for Startup Growth – Tips and Tactics
Social media can be an invaluable asset to startups looking to establish their brand, engage audiences, and run targeted advertising campaigns. Customers